Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The sandbox

I have to apply what I've learned from past experiences when playing sandbox games.

There needs to be more laughter in the world.

Sweetie is finally feeling better, recovering from his business trips. I think we may take a trip to Northwest Trek for a hike on his birthday. He doesnt have any wish list, but silly things amuse him. I hope he enjoys the adventure.

I'm still THRILLED that Marcus Trufant and Lofa Tutupu have decided to stay with the Seahawks!!!!
I'm suspecting that we got a variety of opponents this next season so the NFL would make it more difficult for Seattle to maintain the lead in the NFC west. We get no respect. I believe our next season will be a fun one. WHOOO HOOO!!

back to the time to play with the grown ups is rapidly approaching.