Wednesday, March 4, 2009

morning sickness at work..

Today, I have reached 12 weeks of pregnancy. It's been said that some women "loose" the morning sickness at the begining of the third trimester, some women don't.

I thought I was in the clear. Guess again.

Half way through the day, after a normal blowing of the nose, the sickness hit me with a vengance. Shortly thereafter, I made my way to the ladies room, and performed the lovely ritual.

The supervisor is treating me fair, and understands, so I'm thankful for that. We'll see if this morning sickness really does go away. I'm looking forward to it. :>)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election day

Well, I have made a decision on my vote tonight.

Whatever the outcome is today, I believe that this country does need change, and I will do my part as a citizen to respect and support the winner of this election.

I also promise to keep an open mind, and respect opinions and thoughts of other who I may not agree with.

In my opinion, the best we can ask for is the right to have our voices heard and the ability for this country to continually mold and change for the betterment of the citizens here.

happy election day!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Shame on me, this time

I forgetfully publicized my weight loss goals and accomplishments in an area that is commonly used by people who have low self esteem and like to take pot shots at anyone who does better.

If you think you've gotten the best of me.... think again, and feel better about yourself, for the moment. The beauty of it is that you still have you.

I, on the other hand, have ammunition to help me do even better. So, thank you.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

It could suck more

I look at this when I'm having a bad day and remember....

My life could allways suck more.

Have a great day!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Here's your sign.

There should be a mental flag, or some kind of alarm that goes off in your head when someone uses the phrase... "now don't be offended"... Obviously you know you are about to hurt someone when you use these words. If you have to use that phrase, then maybe you shouldn't say what your about to say!!!!!

I work really hard at keeping a happy face until the car ride home when sweetie and I have our usual "talk about what just happened" session. We had allot to talk about during our 4 hour car ride home from eastern Washington.

I can't blame him for what his family does. He is getting much better at recognizing how I feel and running interference when it happens. These events only happen about twice a year.

It'll be a while before the next event, thankfully!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Getting Warped 08

WarpedTour 2008, at the Gorge was so much fun.

I would not have gone if it was not for my sister in law, Ronda. I am thankful she drags me along with her to do all the things she missed during her teen years.

It is the best venue I have ever been to.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

July 22

Just thinking about that day scares me. I have tough skin, but deep down, WAY deep down I feel like I am pretty vulnerable still.

I remember the ache in the core of my heart that I felt after that day. Time heals all wounds.

I don't have any more pity for myself, so I'm going to find happiness. It's out there for me.
I'm off to look for it.